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The Kennel Visit

Kristi and Kobi and Koala


August 2003

I had experience with Samoyeds in the 80’s and early 90’s. After they were gone I just could not bring myself to start over. People said "Just get another one". I responded "I don’t want another dog, I want "MY" dog (back)" Well time marches on and things change. Then somebody moved into the neighborhood with a Sammie. Ya’ sure, well maybe. I’ll just look around on the Internet to see what it holds. Oh no……..there’s a great looking kennel just a little over an hour away from home.  (see Kabeara Kennel at http://www.pageweb.com/samoyed/ )

This is Kristi in the kennel.
Oh how she needs a bath.


Let’s talk to them and see what’s happening. Oh you do have a couple of adult dogs available, wow we would like to see them. OK see you Saturday morning. (Where did I put all that dog stuff, leash, collar, toys YADA YADA). I did not want a puppy. Didn’t want to go through those growing pains again………….you know HOUSE TRAINING. But no matter were just looking.

Kristi came home with us.

So she came into the building from the outside runs and we knew she was ours. Kristi (Kabeara’s Kristi) had the perfectly cute chubby legs. So I paid and off we went. She took to the car like she had been waiting for us for ever. Good girl, just sat there while we drove home. Never has had an accident in the house.

Nothing like a little bonding.
